The War on Drugs - Read about the culture wars and about the federal government's war on drugs, which so far has served to sap the American taxpayer, brainwash generations of American citizens, place recreational drugs in a black market setting (which endangers our youth, who find it easier to buy illicit drugs from dealers than to purchase alcohol from legal vendors), and outlaw a medically viable, non-addictive substance which can treat over 200 different medical conditions, including acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), several cancers, and multiple sclerosis (MS).
Medical Marijuana - Ever wonder why pot is still illegal? One of the main reasons is its medical utility. A wonder drug, cannabis treats multiple conditions, is non-addictive, and causes no organ pathology in patients (unlike nearly all modern medications). It is virtually impossible to overdose on cannabis, which is a superior medicine both to modern pharmaceuticals and to its legal counterpart, dronabinol (Marinol), and it's a cheap, easily grown, organic alternative to modern medicine. Drug companies know this, and they will fight tooth and nail to keep pot illegal.
The History of Cannabis - Did you know that the first law passed about cannabis in the America was a 1619 law requiring farmers to grow cannabis hemp in Jamestown, Virginia? Read on to find out the history of cannabis use in our nation's history, including hemp's role in war production during the 1940's.
Pot Prohibition - Marijuana was first made illegal in 1937 by the Marihuana Tax Stamp Act. The law stated that no one could possess cannabis without a stamp...but the federal government refused to issue stamps. Discover the history of pot prohibition, its effects on crime and society, and why this drug remains illegal today.
Psilocybin Mushrooms/LSD - Psychedelic mushrooms and lysergic acid diethylamide are two popular drugs known for causing the user to "trip" or hallucinate. But did you know that these hallucinogens are non-addictive, cause no organ pathology in users, and are also virtually impossible to overdose on? In addition, both drugs have been used as successful experimental treatments for personality disorders, alcoholism, and drug addiction?